
Many individuals and activist groups believe that the activities of big oil companies should be kept separate from the activities of the government. And vice versa. However, it is hard to deny that a lot of American policy is built around our supply of oil and, in turn, our ability to use those coveted oil change coupons that arrive in the mail every so often. We fiercely protect our independence and our freedom to drive our own vehicles. Tied in with that independence and vehicle ownership is the need to take care of those vehicles and the need to supply them with fuel. Our government has our best interests in mind when it tries to keep our country supplied in rich and bountiful oil. But does it have the best interests of other countries? Or the environment? Many would say no.

When it comes to environmental awareness and activism against pollution on large and small scales, the past decade has seen an increase across the board nationally and globally. We are a human race that is imminently aware of the fact that our actions have far-reaching consequences on our environment. And yet, many of us still drive gas-guzzling and pollution-spewing tanks to and from work every day. We use those oil change coupons to get us to our jobs so that we can make money to fill that giant gas tank.

To some, the government has not been a helpful force in this area launch x431 pro plus. Instead of promoting environmental protection, many of the barriers to clean energy alternatives have been political legislation. Instead of paving the way for new options, we have the same old options that continue to spew large amounts of pollution into our air. For some activist groups, this means we should separate oil and state once and for all.

The oil companies do not make any secret of their attempts and ability to buy certain parts of congress autel maxisys elite. Billions of dollars have been spent keeping oil as the main source of vehicle energy and keeping those oil change coupons showing up in your mailbox every once in awhile. The longer your vehicle stays on the road, the more money they make.

Unfortunately, any mention of alternative energy sources is often viewed as a potential infringement on the rights and independence of Americans. We want to drive those gas-guzzling tanks and we want to protect our ability to throw money away at the gas pumps every week. Heaven help anyone that has a smarter and cheaper solution.

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